
Kinkaku-ji Japan, The Golden Pavilion Temple

Kinkaku-ji in Japan - Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion Temple) in Kyoto, Japan, was built in 1397. It was created to serve as a villa for Shogun Ashikaga retirement. It was quite late that her son had the building into a Zen temple. The Golden Pavilion was burned twice and was rebuilt after five years.

The Golden Temple is a three-story building. The two upper floors are covered with a sheet of pure gold. The main function is to work shariden flag, leaving the rest of the ashes of Buddha. We can see a common style of Chinese built up. The middle section seems to be the Zen style and the last on the ground floor is a bit like shinden-zukuri style and lacks the gold leaf on it.

The temple is decorated front yard pond called Mirror Pond. A lot of stones in the pond gives a description of the Buddhist era. In 1987, a part of the temple was coated in gold and more often of the interior of the temple was served when, in 2003.


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