
Borobudur Temple, A Great Work

Yogyakarta - On a sunny Sunday, I and Desi the opportunity to visit Borobudur temple whose name was known to the world. Meaning of the name Borobudur "abbey in the hills", which comes from the word "coal" (temple or monastery) and "beduhur" (hills or high ground) in Sanskrit. Therefore, in accordance with the meaning of the name Borobudur, then this place since long ago used as a place of Buddhist worship.Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java, about 40 km from Yogyakarta.This temple since 1991 has been designated as World Heritage or World Heritage Site by UNESCO. 

We pay the entrance fee of Rp. 30,000, the price include free admission and transportation to the Temple of Queen Boko more efficient so that many thousands of dollars. Before boarding the temple, along with me and Desi Mas Bowo, our guide, rent a bicycle to get around the area seputaran temple. After a satisfying round, then we ride to Borobudur temple. Just go up some stairs, we were surprised by the arrival of ambulances made to the temple area. Well, apparently there are teenagers who fell off the edge of the temple due to the fun pictures on the outskirts of the temple with a stupa that is not holding strong. As a result the young men fell to the bottom along with the stupa, but luckily the teenager does not matter, only the pain alone and then later on crutches into the ambulance. While the stupa was to be broken by a fall. I do not know what happened to the teenager, whether fines or lawsuits for damaging the temple.

After that adventure at Borobudur temple we continue back to the straight to the top of the temple is very beautiful scenery. We can see the views of green hills and mountains. Of course we do not miss these moments with photographs for a moment to share them with readers of AFP. Hopefully, all readers can also visit her at another time yes.


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