
Chichen Itza Mexico, The Yucatans Most Visited Ancient Mayan Site

Chichen Itza in Mexico - Maya particular, consumers are the most highly regarded as available for their better understanding and also a luxury for astrology, as well as for their ability to recover outstanding. In particular, the stone ruins of their culture was found to share all of Mexico and in Central America. Chichen Itza, associated with its famous pyramids and temples, is also very real most visited historic site in the Yucatan Maya, the collection is a real jungle, and also indicated a settlement was certainly needed a bit 'more than 2000 for many years. This was the real center of political power, economic and military power in addition to, and even managed to trade is generally the region.

The main interest is almost certain that the real pyramid each of Kukulkan (the Feathered Serpent true god), or El Castillo, a great pyramid surmounted by the simple truth, a temple that dominates the particular site. Each party is armed with a ladder once again, given the exceptional core offerings throughout the area in general. Inside the pyramid is true, a small pyramid, the real inner sanctum, which contains one of the best finds in the real site-specific, the current big red jaguar throne comes with hints of jade, inlaid eyes and teeth real jaguar. During spring and autumn equinox typical (March 21 and accordingly on September 21) show a great product, lasting even for a few hours at a time, just after leaving the gaping crowd associated with astonishment that the current style Generally undulating shadows, the illusion is also a snake crawling down the stairs. Special shadows attached to the workforce impressive snakeheads in the foothills just typical of the main staircase special.

Another development of interest is really El Caracol (The special Big Conch snail), an observatory with slits in the dome aligned with special appearances astronomical specific on specific dates only. Referring to the special part a large part of this place, but only really a dam is considered the true Sacred Cenote also a large natural well which are often human sacrifices and thus the other lines were launched to meet the specific gods. Most of the various other temples, platforms, and also a court of ball striking, are components of the actual historical city, a site of enormous size, with lots of columns and intricate carvings, statues and reliefs as well.


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